What Was New?
LARA's 2018 AGM and annual public meeting is
on Saturday 24th November 2018 at 10:30am
at Darwin Hall (on Darwin Park, near Waitrose)
This is your opportunity to make your views known, and everyone is welcome.
LARA has been less active this year due in part to a low number of Executive Committee members. Anyone wishing to become more active in LARA and join the Executive Committee would be welcome. Proposals for new Executive Committee members should be made to the secretary, Tracy Shepherd, at least 72 hours before the AGM.
LARA's annual public meeting gives you the opportunity to make your views known and hear what we have been doing in the last year. This year's meeting is:
on Saturday 4th November at 10:30am
at Martin Heath Hall, Christchurch Lane
Local councillors will also be present to address you and answer questions, so come along and find out what's happening in your local area. Everyone is welcome.

Our Summer Quiz is to be held on Saturday 24th June, this time at Martin Heath Hall in Christchurch Lane, starting at 7:30pm. Everyone is invited. We will also have another fantastic raffle with lots of prizes to be won. So come along, have some fun and support LARA!
On the morning of Saturday 6th May, between 10:30 and 12:30 we will be holding a drop-in morning at Darwin Hall to allow residents to examine the plans we have to enhance the pools and green spaces of the Darwin Park estate.

We are pleased to announce our Winter Quiz to be held on Saturday 3rd December at Darwin Hall at 7:30pm. Everyone is invited. We have a Christmas-themed raffle with lots of prizes to be won. So come along, have some fun and support LARA!
The LARA AGM is a public meeting that gives you the opportunity to make your views known and hear what we have been doing in the last year. Everyone is welcome.
Saturday 19th November at 2:30pm
Darwin Hall (on Darwin Park, near Waitrose)
Local councillors will also be present to address you and answer questions, so come along and find out what's happening in your local area. More information.

In the spirit of the national "Clean for the Queen" initiative we are organising a local litter pick on Saturday 9th July, 10am-2pm starting at Darwin Hall (by Waitrose). Some of the children from Christ Church Primary will be helping us, and we are also inviting as many residents as possible to come along and support us on the day. Any volunteers will be hugely appreciated.
LARA will be providing litter pickers and bags but please bring gloves and wear sensible shoes. If there are areas in our community that you feel we need to pay particular attention to then please let us know.
The debate by Staffordshire County Council on the petition regarding the future of Lichfield Library is available online. (Scroll through the timeline to 02:04:40 for the start of the debate.)

We are pleased to announce our St George's Day Quiz to be held on Saturday 23rd April at Darwin Hall at 7:30pm. Everyone is invited. Teams of up to six players. There will be another fantastic raffle with prizes galore. Bring your own drink and have a great time!
Those of you who are concerned about Staffordshire County Council's proposals to sell off the Friary library building for private development, may like to add your support to the call for an open and democratic public consultation on the future of the library, by signing the petition here: Save Lichfield Library

LARA is organising a Skittles Evening on Saturday 6th February at Darwin Hall. Everyone is invited, so come along and have a go!
The LARA AGM is at 11:30am on Saturday 7th November at Martin Heath Hall, Christchurch Lane. All residents of Leomansley and Darwin Park are invited. Come along and find out what's happening in your local area. Hear from your local councillors and the police, and have your say in the future of Leomansley. More information.

LARA is organising a Family Treasure Hunt on the afternoon of Sunday 23rd August. Starting from Martin Heath Hall, and costing just £2 per team. Everyone is invited, so come along and have some fun!

Following on from the success of our Summer Quiz, we are pleased to announce our Winter Quiz to be held on Saturday 24th January at Darwin Hall at 7:30pm. Everyone is invited. And we have another fantastic raffle with lots of valuable prizes to be won. So come along (again), have some fun and support LARA!
The planning application made by David Wilson Homes to build 157 houses on the Western Recreation Zone (the fields between Waitrose and Limburg Avenue) has been approved by Lichfield District Council.
The LARA AGM is at 11:30am on 22nd November at Martin Heath Hall, Christchurch Lane. All residents of Leomansley and Darwin Park are invited. Come along and find out what's happening in your local area. Hear from your local councillors and the police, and have your say in the future of Leomansley. More information.

Our Summer Quiz is being held on Saturday 5th July at Darwin Hall at 7:30pm. Everyone is invited. And if you're no good at quizzes, we have lots of fantastic raffle prizes in our grand raffle. So come along, have some fun and support LARA!
A planning application has been made by David Wilson Homes to build 157 houses on the fields between Waitrose and Limburg Avenue. Read more in the David Wilson Homes Community Update. Comments or objections to the application should be submitted to Neighbour.responses@lichfielddc.gov.uk by 6th June quoting the planning application reference 14/00465/FULM.
The Annual Town Meeting for the Parish of Lichfield will be held at the Guildhall on Wednesday 21st May at 7:30pm. View the notice.
The plan to make Christchurch Lane one way has now been abandoned and other traffic management options are being considered.
Staffordshire County Council are proposing to make Christchurch Lane one way with additional restrictions on stopping and parking. Details of the proposed Traffic Regulation Orders are available on the County Council's web site. (Scroll down to "Permanent Traffic Regulation Orders" and the Christchurch Lane one is the first set of documents.) The closing date for any objections is Thursday 9th January 2014.
David Wilson Homes are proposing to develop the Western Recreation Zone (the fields in front of Waitrose). You can see details of their proposal online at www.consultation-online.co.uk/hallampark.
The LARA AGM is at 10am on 2nd November at Martin Heath Hall, Christchurch Lane. All residents of Leomansley and Darwin Park are invited. Come along and find out what's happening in your local area. Hear from your local councillors and the police, and have your say in the future of Leomansley. More information.
Staffordshire County Council have announced the closure of the footpath between the Blair House site, currently being developed, and the Walsall Road. The closure comes into effect on 30th September for a period of six months.
To submit your representation (ie comments) about the Pub planning application please go to the Lichfield District Council website to submit them electronically or go to the council offices on Frog Lane, Lichfield.
LARA's AGM will be held on Saturday, 10th November 2012 from 10am - 12noon at Martin Heath Hall. We will be looking at the impact of the new Local Plan on our community.
- Roads (e.g. traffic calming on Christchurch Lane, traffic patterns, parking, and enforcement on Darwin Park, etc.)
- Recreation land outside Waitrose (what will happen to this land under the new Local Plan?)
- Housing
- Jobs
The money was awarded after LARA applied for S106 funds which came from a city-wide tranch of s106 monies. It is to go specifically towards these two projects - £1000 toward the interpretive panel for the trim trail, and £3000 toward the footpath lighting column.
The Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 2009, which identifies sites which have the potential for housing development in Lichfield District, in the period up to 2026.
This document will form part of the evidence, which will inform the Core Strategy document and the Allocations of Land document. Thus it will give prior information, as to the possibility of certain sites being included in those documents, when representations may be made, for or against their inclusion, at the appropriate time, during the period for consultation.
Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Leomansley Area Residents Association will take place at 10am on Saturday 16 January 2010 in Martin Heath Hall, Christchurch Lane, Lichfield.
1. Welcome and note that this is the reconvened meeting from 21 November 2009
2. Apologies
3. Minutes AGM 22 November 2008
4. Chair's Annual report (Recommendation: That the Chair's Report is adopted)
5. Finance Report (Recommendation: That the accounts are adopted)
6. Election of Officers
7. Motions
7.1 Motion from the Executive - that the Constitution is amended in accordance
with Appendix 1 which notes the amended section/words via underlining
throughout the document and the previously deleted words in the right-hand margin.
7.2 Motion from LARA member - That the Constitution is amended in accordance with the attached note labelled as
Appendix 2 which notes the particular sections to be amended.
8. Close
All residents of Leomansley are welcome. Come and speak with the district and city councillors about your issues with the Leomansley area. Some issues to be raised:
- What will happen to the Western Recreation Zone (WRZ) nr. Waitrose under the new Local Development Framework which is planning to build 10,000 new homes in the Lichfield District some of which is planned on greenbelt land? What will be the future of WRZ? What development could go on it if any at all? What do residents want to see on that land? We have invited Cllr Neil Roberts, portfolio holder for Development, to come and address us on this issue.
- Talk to the city councillors in charge of Darwin Hall and on the Darwin Hall working group. These are the people who have been driving the Darwin Hall project. You've probably seen the building works at the end of cathedral walk which are due to complete in March 2010. What are some of the things residents want to see the hall used for and not used for? What are your hopes? What are your fears?
- What outstanding issues does the developer have to complete before handing Darwin Park over to the district council to maintain? Let us know if you have any issues with landscaping, roads, lighting, etc as the developer is still responsible for most of this.
- What other issues would you like to see addressed at the AGM (we can't promise that we will have time to address all issues given to us but we will do our best)? Email us.

1. Purchase of land in the Western Recreation Zone for an additional play area / recreation.
2. Trim Trail around Darwin Park.
3. Improve the existing fencing around the pond.
4. Provision of an equipped play area linked to the community hall.
5. If permission for three houses on the Blair House site is refused:
5.1. Acquisition of the Blair House site for use as public open space and clearance of the vandalised property which is an eyesore and safety hazard.
5.2. Surfacing and lighting of the access track between the site and Walsall Road.
6. Highway issues:
6.1. Improvements to the roundabout that leads out of Lichfield from Darwin Park (on Walsall Road).
6.2. Resolving the traffic congestion and parking problems on Christ Church Lane.
6.3. Sorting out parking problems on the estate. This assumes the costs cannot come out of some other funds such as Staffordshire County Council section 106 funds. There are many parts of the estate where double yellow lines would prevent people from parking. Specific examples are (1) the corner on Whitehouse Drive which restricts visibility as a result of parking on the corner with Lightwood Drive and (2) Deykin Road where it meets Sainte Foy Avenue on-street parking narrows the highway risking head-on collisions. Many people park on the road rather than use their designated off road spaces.
7. Funding for bus shelters within the estate/Leomansley. Small neat shelters are needed on the estate in order to give residents protection during inclement weather especially as the majority of the users are seniour citizens. Currently there are stops near Cathedral Walk & Deykin Rd as well as by Waitrose (there may be other stops within the estate too but we are not sure).
8. Additional tree planting on The Friary/ Friary Road and elsewhere within Darwin Park (e.g. there are two trees which are missing along Cathedral Walk in the middle near the statue - Mr Bernard Turnbull, the groundskeeper for Taylor Wimpey, says they walked and they were never replaced by Taylor Wimpey).
9. Planting up of the strip of land on Friary Road owned by Staffordshire County Council bordering on the former cricket ground site. Ashmead Price Landscape Planning and Design Consultants have designed a scheme for this site which is an important gateway into the City.
10. Jack 'n Jill preschool - improved equipment such as tables, chairs, play equipment especially as there is a new requirement by Ofsted for outdoor play provision.
11. Improving the lighting scheme in the meeting room in Martin Heath Hall along with other refurbishment issues per the report of chairman David Hartley to Asmita Kathrani. Introducing individual light controls for use when video or other projected presentations are given would overcome the existing problems. Other improvements required there should be explored with the Hall management (e.g. increased storage space, enlarging rooms, possible office, etc.).
12. Darwin Park Community Church - funding for community events such as the ones already being provided for children (Autumn Fest Fun Day for children, Summer Fun on the Play Park, Christmas Fun Day with Santa, etc which are mostly fun days for kids during the mid-term breaks, football course during the summer, etc).
13. Support for local charities e.g. funding for roof and other structural repairs to the Grade 2 listed building occupied by Citizens Advice Bureau at Levetts Fields. The City Wharf development section 106 monies could also contribute to this project.
14. To help fund the Darwin Statue which has been planned for situation at the middle of Cathedral Walk.

Saturday 22nd November 2008, 10am - 12pm
Martin Heath Hall, Christ Church Lane (next to Christ Church)
Main Topic: "Youth Matters"