The Staffordshire Police web site has local information and contact details for your Local Policing Team as well as for Staffordshire Police themselves. They also have lots of tips and information on crime prevention.
The Crimestoppers web site has local information about Crimestoppers and allows information about crime to be reported anonymously.
The Lichfield Police Enquiry Office is located inside the Lichfield District Council Offices in Frog Lane, next to the Police Station.

101 is the non-emergency number for police forces across England and Wales. It can be used to contact your local police about crimes or concerns that do not need an emergency response.
Calls can be made from both mobile phones and landlines and cost 15p per call, no matter how long the call lasts or what the time of day.
(If you experience any problems with the 101 number, or you are calling from outside the police local area, you can contact Staffordshire Police on: 0300 123 4455.)
Staffordshire Smart Alert
Staffordshire Smart Alert (also known as OWL or Neighbourhood Watch) allows you to receive real-time localised crime alerts by email, directly from the police. You can also opt in to some specialised countywide alerts or to business crime alerts.
Police and Crime Commissioner
The website for the Police and Crime Commissioner for Staffordshire contains news and policy information, and the option to sign up for the PCC email newsletter.