Hallam Park and The Western Recreation Zone
The Western Recreation Zone (WRZ) is the land near and around Waitrose as shown below in the shaded area. This land was originally reserved for recreational purposes under the old Local Plan.

This is a composite of the Google aerial image overlaid with Lichfield District Council's own outline drawing of the Western Recreation Zone.
The crosshatched area shows the Western Recreation Zone.
On 3rd November 2014, Lichfield District Council approved a planning application (14/00465/FULM) by David Wilson Homes for a residential development of 157 homes on most of this area.
Details of the development proposal is available online at www.consultation-online.co.uk/hallampark and further information is available in the David Wilson Homes Community Update. Construction is due to start sometime in 2016.
Two further planning applications have been made for the smaller fields at each end of the Western Recreation Zone:
In December 2015, Mill Pond Developments put in a planning application (15/01412/FULM) to build ten bungalows on the field adjacent to The Whytmore (by Darwin Hall).
Also in December 2015, David Wilson Homes put in an additional planning application (16/00026/FULM) to build a further 27 houses on the land at the corner of Walsall Road/Limburg Ave (the 'circus' field).