Outstanding Issues on the Darwin Park Estate
This is an old issue dating back to May 2009
The photographs below illustrate issues that were outstanding on the Darwin Park estate. These issues were discussed by LARA with Lichfield District Council and developers, Taylor Wimpey, on 26 May 2009. Read the Implementation Meeting Report.

Pinch points throughout the estate have no relective bollards installed on them.

This dropcurb has tactiles for the blind but many don't.

There are no tactiles at many dropcurbs throughout the estate as in this one (needed for the blind).

Another roundabout at Deykin Rd and Whitehouse Drive - no signage, no chevrons, no illumination.

Unfinished path where topping has not been laid.

Missing benches (all of them now) at Kensington Oval.

Dug-up turf from laid cable has not been returfed.